Scott Taylor, Courtney Reed and Adam Jacobs judge the competition

THE BACHELORETTE – “Episode 1104” – It’s off to the New Amsterdam Theatre, where Kaitlyn reveals that the five men with her will be auditioning for a role in Disney’s “Aladdin,” the Tony-winning hit Broadway musical. The men are put through what would be a typically grueling audition process, trying to impress “Aladdin’s” associate director and stars Adam Jacobs and Courtney Reed to land the role and the woman. The bachelor cast performs with Kaitlyn in that night’s sold out show, while the four other men are sent back to the hotel, devastated, on “The Bachelorette,” MONDAY, JUNE 8 (9:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Heidi Gutman)
ABC’s The Bachelorette took a visit to the big apple where the Broadway hit show, Aladdin, hosted a bachelor Broadway competition. The stars of Aladdin, Adam Jacobs and Courtney Reed, and resident director Scott Taylor judged the competition, which included singing, dancing, and acting material from the show, making cuts and eventually “casting” the role of Kaitlyn’s beau. The winner, along with Kaitlyn, was able to make their Broadway debut in Aladdin on Broadway.
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